One week and one day remain before The Ravening gets officially released!
Advance reviews are still trickling in. On Instagram at the weekend I got a lovely message from a reader about how much she was loving the book. By the time I replied to her the next morning, she'd finished it! And, thankfully, still loved it.
Honestly, there really is nothing nicer than that. It means the absolute world to a writer.
Another really cool thing that's arrived during the run-up was a download link to the audiobook of The Ravening, which also be out on the 24th from Isis Audio. They got in touch with me a few months ago about possible readers and I listened to samples from a number of excellent possibles; very hard to pick a favourite out of them, but in the end my top choice was Emma Powell, who they were able to get hold of for the job.
I've mainly been dipping in and out of it - a chapter here, a chapter there - and Emma's done an amazing job. One of the things that really stood out among the samples I listened to was her skill with different characters' voices, and The Ravening showcases it to perfection.
So, if you love your audiobooks, you might want to give that a try. :)
In a week and a day, the paperback, ebook and audiobook of The Ravening will be available. On the 27th, the official book launch will take place at Write Blend in Waterloo, Liverpool. And I'll be at Fantasycon in Chester from the 11th to the 13th of October - the book will be on sale at the Angry Robot table in the dealer's room, and I'll be around to sign a copy if you'd like!
More news as it happens.
See you next time,
Daniel :)