Forty-one more days until The Ravening is officially unleashed on the world!
Pretty exciting, no? It certainly is for me, as it means I have to venture out of The Churchyard (as I like to call the old homestead) and emerge blinking into the daylight and show my face at some events...
I'm going to be at two conventions over the next couple of months, on top of which which be the official launch for The Ravening.
So let's start with the first of these...
Edge-Lit 10 will be held at Derby QUAD on Saturday 7th September 2024, and I'll be on three panels there.
10am: Dark Deeds: Where Crime and Creepy Collide, with Adam Simcox, Lesley Kelly and Stuart Neville.
11am: Mind Over Matter: Psychology And Genre Fiction, with Conrad Williams, Stuart Neville and Alison Moore.
1pm: From The Grave To The Page: Exploring the Undead in Genre Fiction, with Conrad Williams, Charlie Higson and the one and only Sarah Pinborough.
Then at 2pm, I'll be doing a reading from The Ravening and a Q&A alongside Isy Suttie. (That's right - I've suffered for my art, and now it's your turn...)
On top of that... whisper it... there will, all being well, some copies of The Ravening available to buy should you want one. You can even get it signed by the author. :)
Get a ticket to Edge-Lit 10 here, and spend lots in the bar: Derby QUAD is a great venue, and it's in serious need of support right now.