...to those who wait, or so the saying goes. And this week has brought several such things.
It hasn't yet brought an end to the Covid I've been full of for the better part of a fortnight, but I think the worst is past. What it did bring, yesterday, was:
a) The end of the novel I've been labouring on! There are still a few final rewrites, tweaks and edits before it's ready to go out to my beta readers, but for now, anyway, the beast is done and I can look at my next project.

A thing of beauty, I'm sure you'll agree. For the purposes of this photo, I replaced the copy that Mrs Church immediately snatched for her own personal use. :)
Another nice thing, showing up in my email inbox this morning, was Adam Nevill's Newsletter for the Damned (It's well worth subscribing to if you haven't, not least because you get a free book,) which gave a shout out to my recent review of Under A Watchful Eye. Many thanks once more, Adam!
Also arriving this morning were two contributor copies of Nightmare Abbey, which includes a short story called 'Territory' by my alter ego, Simon Bestwick! Feast your eyes, folks:

Big thanks to Tom English for giving my weird little tale a good home.
Not a bad start to the weekend, all told!
Have a great one, wherever you are, especially you lucky ducks attending WorldCon!
Daniel :)