One of the weird things about the writing life is the timescale.
I sometimes think I missed my vocation and should have learned to play guitar instead. Once you've written a song, out you go and perform it, be it at a gig or on a street corner, and if people like it you know about it right away, either in the form of applause or a coin in your hat. Plus, you get groupies. Or so I'm told.
(Not that I did the night I subbed for a rock band on lead vocals, an event you'll see commemorated in the accompanying picture. But I digress.)
Instant gratification, on the other hand, is definitely not part of the writer's life. That's not a complaint, just an observation. You need patience. Novels have to be written; then you need to find an agent or a publisher. Even if you go the self-publishing route, you need an editor, and to do the work of getting the book into shape. Oh, and then you have to make sure they're promoted properly, because the best book in the world won't get bought if no one knows about it.
And all this takes time.
Sometimes, however, things happen a little faster than you expected.
My second novel, The Ravening, was originally slated to come out in November. Now, however, the release date's been brought forward to 24th September, just in time for October and the start of the spooky season - because what better time to bring out a new horror novel, after all?
So if anyone one there's been craving a new Daniel Church book, you only have to wait another seven months...
Well, some things are worth being patient for. Even if I didn't become a rock star and get a load of groupies, I did manage to end up with Mrs Church. And believe me, that was worth the wait.
Until next time,
Daniel :)