So - things have happened, are happening and will continue to happen, which is good.
Things that have happened: I finally finished edits on The Sound of the Dark (after the beta readers got back to me) and sent it to my agent. And now we wait.
Also, I had to come up with possible ideas for The Sound of the Dark's cover art for Angry Robot's design team, because even though it isn't due out till next year, publishing is a long-term business. Even tricked up a cover idea of my own with the aid of Microsoft Paint, which has no doubt caused much hilarity at the other end. :)
The Ravening, meanwhile, is pretty much ready to go. Some advance blurbs from other authors have come in, and the ones so far are doozies. Can't wait to share those with you and will do so soon!
There'll be more announcements about The Ravening as the clock ticks down towards its publication in September, including a cover reveal. The artwork for the book is amazing and something else I really can't wait for you to see.
Meanwhile, a new horror novel is taking shape. The thriller I'd been working on sort of ground to a halt on me in February - maybe I'll be able to work out whatever's wrong with it and get it running again, maybe not. We shall see.
I asked Mrs Church for a one-word writing prompt, and she provided it: moon. That was about 75,000 words ago, and - touch wood - the new book looks healthy.
It's at that slightly awkward stage where I'm writing a bit more every day, while also trying to editing a lot of what I've written thus far. As you know, I starting trying to rewrite as I work once I feel things are up and running, so the word count goes up in the morning and down again in the evening, meaning it's likely to be stuck in the '70s for a while yet. But it's almost at the halfway point, maybe even past it.
I don't know what will happen with the new book. It's very much an 'on spec' thing right now. Maybe it'll find a home, or maybe it'll end up in a bottom drawer. But fingers crossed, I hope I'm actually going to finish it at least...
Anyway, I'll be back soon with more news. Till then, take care.
Daniel. :)